Elder Dallin H. Oaks and the Propersity Gospel

In an article published in the March 2012 Ensign, LDS Apostle Dallin Oaks takes the Prosperity Gospel to new levels:

Tithing is a commandment with a promise.  The words of Malachi, reaffirmed by the Savior, promise those who bring their tithes into the storehouse that the Lord will ” open . . . the windows of heaven, and pour [them] out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to received it.”  The promised blessings are temporal and spiritual (Malachi 3:10-12).”

Not content to promise “temporal” blessings to the tithe payer, Elder Oaks goes on to promise temporal blessings to the entire country where the tithe payer lives:

I believe these promises apply to nations in which we reside.  When the people of God withheld their tithes and offerings, God condemned the “whole nation” (Malachi 3:9).  Similarly, I believe that when many citizens of a nation are faithful in the payment of tithes, they summons the blessings of heaven upon their entire nation. . . .”

For me, this escalation is difficult in several ways:

  • I have a rough time believing that God is up in heaven “stirring the pot.”  If he is, I don’t understand His actions and reactions.
  • This all sounds very much like the Prosperity Gospel, God rewards (financially and otherwise) those he deems worthy.
  • Bad things happen to “good” people.  Bad things happen to “good” countries.  Do famines strike countries because LDS church members don’t pay their tithing?
  • Along the same lines, what happens when someone has bad things happen, and they feel they are good (full-tithe payer, temple recommend, etc.)?  There isn’t much of a safety net.

For me, mixing temporal prosperity (including financial) and religion is not a good idea.  And doesn’t seem very Christian.

An article in one national publication alleged that Mormonism is the Prosperity Gospel on steroids.  Elder Oaks has validated this ascertion.

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1 Response to Elder Dallin H. Oaks and the Propersity Gospel

  1. Kim Shimer says:

    Interesting post. You might want to check out the new book “Exploring Prosperity Preaching: Biblical Health, Wealth, and Wisdom” by Debra Mumford.

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